Dienstag, 13. September 2011

Warten ... Teil 2

Srons OP war eigentlich für den 13.September geplant. ABER ... es fehlt die Unterschrift eines Familienmitglieds auf der "Einverständnisserklärung" für die OP. Das Familienmitglied muß im Trieu An Krankenhaus diese Papiere unterschreiben. Also bin ich heute nach Dong Giang gefahren und habe Srons Familie 15$ für den Bus nach Saigon gebracht. Morgen wird Srons Bruder nach Saigon fahren (6 Stunden Busfahrt) und HOFFENTLICH ist damit der Papierkram endlich erledigt. Dann wird Sron am Samstag operiert.

Hier noch ein Zitat aus einer E-Mail:

Dear *****,
We send you information regarding the heart sick ethnic gril K' Thi Sron, born 1999. Address: Location 2, Ward Dong Giang, Ham Thuan Bac District, Binh Thuan Province.
She was hospitalized at Saigon Pediatric Hospital I on August 26, 2011 where she was made known by doctors that her heart sickness is very complicated. Lien and our group have been visiting her almost every day, seeing that the living condition there is not good. Two children so inconveniently stay on one same bed.
Last week, since it was so crowded, she had to go and sleep at the balcony. This is not safe for Sron's health and hygienic situation. Lien contacted Dr. Phan at TA Hospital who accepted to help. So this morning, we had transferred her unto TA Hospital. We had brought her to different tests and Dr. Phan said that the sickness had played bad impact of her lungs. In order to assure the good effects for her heart operation, she has to bear for some days a treatment for her lung disease. This treatment should be done before the heart operation. So her operation could be longer than that of other children.

PS: Sron ist 1999 geboren. In den älteren Beiträgen habe ich immer von einem 14jährigem Mädchen gesprochen. Sron ist also 12 Jahre alt. Sorrry für den Fehler!

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